Overlooked weaknesses of the Internet and SNS

Social network services (SNS) such as Facebook and Twitter have a huge impact on society. SNS influenced politics, economics and our daily lives in every world. There are some countries in Europe that succeeded democratizing and SNS helped the processes. In Moldova, it cannot be denied that SNS helped to gather the crowd and fueled the flames of protests. More than 900,000 people gathered through a Twitter hashtag, but as soon as the government blocked the internet, they lost what to do and the will to fight. Two issues arose in my after reading the article.

First, should the government censure any stuff in SNS? I think there need to be some regulations to prevent sexual abuse, violence and any inhumane discriminations. However, the problem is that once the public gives the government a power to control the internet and SNS, they can do something other than what they were supposed to do in specific occasions like political protests.

Secondly, I realized that people have been overlooked the blind spot of the internet and SNS. What happens if we don’t have access to them and if this is intentional by some parties? This sounds unlikely, but it is a point to think about. People hugely rely on computers, internets and SNS, and they are definitely helpful. But at the same time, we need to know that they also have some limits. They are not something operated automatically, but instead, they are controlled and managed by someone with intentions. In the article we read, Moldovans did not know how to keep protests when the internet was blocked.

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